Swiss Loto statistical analysis chart

Lotto Results

This chart shows the evolution of the Swiss Loto statistical data for the latest 100 draws.

The chart contains six different areas representing the following six specific sets of data:

Some of the charts that follow contain individual pieces of information from this chart, to provide a clear view of every Swiss Loto statistical aspect, while some contain a combination of two pieces of information from this chart so that you can compare the statistical factors.

The SUM of numbers, the SUM of digits, the numbers range, the even numbers and the odd numbers had down trend 9 times, up trend 3 times, various distinct trends (not all trends the same) 88 times during the last 100 draws.
And by looking at the SUM of numbers, the SUM of digits and the numbers range only, they went up or down together (or had the same trends if you will) a total of 45 times during the last 100 draws.

The table below may give you a better idea about the Swiss Loto trends. Use the checkboxes to toggle table row visibility

The Swiss Loto statistical analysis chart

Hover the chart area to see -- in the right upper corner of the chart -- the actual numeric value for any position on the chart (that is any Swiss Loto draw date).

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