Colombia Baloto number frequency

Lotto Results

Most common numbers

The most common Colombia Baloto numbers page shows the numbers that were drawn the most during the whole Colombia Baloto results history.
Another piece of information you'll find on this page is the last draw date for each of the common numbers. The last draw date is linked to the Colombia Baloto results page so that you can view the other numbers that were drawn last time along with the most common Colombia Baloto number.

Least common numbers

The least common Colombia Baloto numbers is, quite obviously, the opposite of the most common numbers. On this page you can see the numbers that were drawn the least during the whole Colombia Baloto results history.
Similar to the most common Colombia Baloto numbers page, you'll find the last draw date for each of the least common numbers. The last draw date is linked to the results page so that you can view the other numbers that were drawn last time along with the least common Colombia Baloto number.

Most overdue numbers

You may also find the most overdue Colombia Baloto numbers a helpful resource for your winning Colombia Baloto strategy.
It shows the numbers that haven't been drawn for a long time and it explicitly shows how many drawings have passed since the most overdue Colombia Baloto number last came out.

Most common pairs

Pretty much the same as the most common Colombia Baloto numbers above with the difference that instead of showing one most common number, these pages show you the most common Colombia Baloto pairs of numbers. Check them out:

Colombia Baloto pairs Colombia Baloto triplets Colombia Baloto quadruplets Colombia Baloto quintuplets Colombia Baloto sextuplets